How to keep using soya without risking incurring milk contract penalties!

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How to keep using soya
without risking incurring milk contract penalties

Soya is used in diets because of its amino acid profile, protein concentration, nutrient density, digestibility and palatability to cows – all critical elements for supporting excellent cow health and performance. It complements other feed ingredients, like cereals, and has a preferential amino acid profile so can be a key part of diet formulations.

BUT… some soya sources use deforestation and this land use change contributes highly to the carbon expenditure of soya and ruminant diets. Therefore, we are under increasing pressure to reduce reliance on this ‘gold standard’ ingredient.

Premier Nutrition’s Total Transition range now includes 
verified deforestation-free soya

Fulfilling all our Total Transition soya requirements from only North American sources does not incur the ‘heavy land use change’ carbon equivalent price tag. This single change means the carbon footprint for kilos of Total Transition drops by between 43-47%, depending on which Total Transition product you use.

Why is this important?

Transition is a demanding time for the cow. Managing nutrition incorrectly leaves her exposed to risks of transition associated diseases and disorders which can significantly impact productivity and profitability of her subsequent lactation. Equally important is the introduction of stringent requirements from some milk buyers against which there may be penalties on every litre of milk if ingredients such as soya from other origins which are not declared as deforestation free are used, as they carry larger feed CO2 equivalents per kilo. 

Our Total Transition range is nutritionally designed to support improvements in cow performance through transition, calving and beyond, and to help meet milk buyer requirements for feed efficiency, protein efficiency and animal robustness, thereby helping you to avoid contract penalties which some milk buyers may impose.

So, transition your cows with their health and function fully optimised through carefully developed, sustainable feeds.


For more information, call or WhatsApp 07912 569 934 or email


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